I am back! I am back mentally and emotionally. If you read my last post you could have picked up on some sadness and feelings of stagnation, those are gone! I am out of an abusive relationship which was responsible for a lot of those negative and heavy feelings.
2015 is MY YEAR, my year of Light! It seems that years ending in odd numbers end up being some of my best, but every year presents many opportunities to seize life. My year of Light is formed around the idea that I have a light shining from within me and that I can spread that light without losing any of it while at the same time igniting or enhancing someone else's light. Last year was very difficult and my light shrunk, this year my light is already growing close to where it was when I returned from Peru, and I hope to seize opportunities that will encourage and facilitate it's growth.
I am graduating from Florida State University this spring with my Bachelor's of Science in International Affairs with a focus in anthropology, a second major in sociology, and a business minor. After I graduate I hope to be accepted into FSU's graduate program in International Affairs. This summer I want to travel and fill my new passport, I want to see old friends from home and from my travels, I want to invigorate my life again! You know that feeling when you start to feel like you have outgrown your current situation, your current space, and you know or feel deep down that you need to go somewhere else and inhale deliciously foreign languages and cultures? That is wanderlust, and I have it. If you are experiencing this too, lets go together, somewhere in a different hemisphere, somewhere that we can be ourselves completely, somewhere that life "just happens".
You are reading this and therefore you are an intimate friend of mine now, nice to meet you too! I can see this post is starting to digress, but I would like to remind anyone out there who is listening or reading, life is good, you just have to shake off what does not vibe with you. It may be difficult but you can do it, this too shall pass, and you shall be the bad ass you truly are! Here is a link to one of my favorite YouTube personality's latest music video produced by his good friends and family, this link inspired me and I hope it gets your passion going too!
This Is My Year- The Shaytards
A majestic tiger snoozing on top of me at Busch Gardens while I am overly excited |
And this folks, is where I tell you to keep kicking ass, vaya con dios, and be kind to one another! Good vibes friends, see you soon.